Green Comet C/2022 E3 Visibility from Earth

Green comet: Here’s how to see C/2022 E3 as it passes by Earth

C/2022 E3, a green comet, will be visible from Earth as it passes by in the night sky this November. The comet is expected to shine brightly in the night sky, making it easy to spot even with the naked eye.

The best way to observe the comet is to find a location that is away from the glare of city lights, such as a park or other dark spot. On a clear night, the comet should be visible in the eastern part of the night sky. When looking at the sky, it will appear as a greenish-white speck of light.

The comet will be visible in the night sky from November 11th to November 21st, although it will be brightest on November 15th. On this night, it will reach a magnitude of 4.5, making it visible to people in the Northern Hemisphere. After this date, the comet will slowly start to fade as it moves away from Earth.

We recommend using binoculars or a telescope to get a better view of the comet. With these tools, you may be able to notice its tail, which will appear as a streak of light behind the comet.

C/2022 E3 is expected to be a bright comet, so make sure to take the opportunity to witness this natural phenomenon when it passes by Earth this November.