Valve Enforces New Rule for Steam Screenshot Galleries: Devs Must Prioritize Screenshots over Trailers.

Valve Enforces New Rule for Steam Screenshot Galleries: Devs Must Prioritize Screenshots over Trailers.
Valve Enforces New Rule for Steam Screenshot Galleries: Devs Must Prioritize Screenshots over Trailers.

Valve Enforces New Rule for Steam Screenshot Galleries: Devs Must Prioritize Screenshots over Trailers.

Valve Enforces New Rule for Steam Screenshot Galleries: Devs Must Prioritize Screenshots over Trailers

Valve has recently made a decision regarding how game developers feature their content on Steam. According to a blog post, Valve will now require developers to prioritize screenshots above trailers in their Steam store pages. This is an effort to ensure that gamers can get a better glimpse into the game before they make a purchase.

Why did Valve make this decision?

The company’s decision was largely motivated by the fact that gamers are often negatively impacted by overoptimistic or misleading trailers, which do not provide an accurate representation of a game. Valve acknowledged that trailers can be polished and misleading, serving as a poor representation of the actual gameplay experience. This can lead to dissatisfied gamers and a tarnished reputation for developers. Given that screenshots offer a more immediate and accurate depiction of the game, Valve believes that they are a better way for gamers to gauge their interest.

What does this mean for game developers?

Game developers who are already using trailers to promote their games on Steam will now need to prioritize screenshots instead. This change could lead to some developers having to do more work to prepare screenshots for their game’s Steam page, but it will likely be a worthwhile effort in the long run. Ultimately, this rule will allow gamers to gain a better understanding of a game before buying it, so developers may experience fewer negative reviews or returns due to inaccurate promotional material.

Why are screenshots better than trailers?

Screenshots offer a more immediate snapshot of the game, allowing gamers to understand the visual aspects of the game and get a sense of what the game looks like in different settings, without the smoke and mirrors of a trailer. Screenshots are also easier for gamers to access, as they don’t need to watch a video or sit through text or voiceover in order to understand what they’re looking at.

What does this mean for gamers?

This new change means that gamers can have a better feel for what a game actually entails before committing to a purchase. Encouraging developers to showcase their games in a more honest way can lead to more satisfied gamers and, in turn, greater success for game developers who prioritize accuracy in their promotional material.


Valve’s decision to require developers to prioritize screenshots over trailers on their Steam pages is a great development for the gaming community. It ensures that gamers are given a more accurate representation of the game, which can lead to happier customers and more successful games. This change will likely benefit both developers and gamers alike, and will continue to guide Steam toward becoming a more reliable platform for buying and selling games online.

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Summary: Valve has announced that developers will now need to prioritize screenshots over trailers on their Steam store pages. This is in an effort to ensure that gamers can get a better understanding of a game before making a purchase. This change will benefit both developers and gamers by ensuring a more honest representation of the game, leading to happy customers and successful games. #TECH