Title: Selenskyj’s Speech on Ethics: “One Cannot be Morally Neutral towards Evil”

Title: Selenskyj

Title: Selenskyj’s Speech on Ethics: “One Cannot be Morally Neutral towards Evil”

Selenskyj’s Speech on Ethics: “One Cannot be Morally Neutral towards Evil”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Selenskyj recently delivered a powerful speech on ethics, emphasizing the importance of taking a stand against evil. He stated that “one cannot be morally neutral towards evil” and urged individuals and nations alike to stand up for what is right.

The Importance of Taking a Stand

In his speech, Selenskyj highlighted the dangers of remaining morally neutral in the face of evil. He pointed out that it is not enough to simply avoid doing harm – individuals and societies must actively work to oppose injustice.

“Evil does not need permission to exist,” Selenskyj said. “It can thrive in the absence of resistance. And so, we must resist.”

By taking a stand against evil, Selenskyj argued, individuals and nations can create a better and more just world.

The Consequences of Inaction

Selenskyj also spoke about the consequences of inaction in the face of evil. He pointed out that failing to speak out against injustice and wrongdoing can lead to a complicity in those actions.

“Inaction is not neutrality,” he said. “It is a choice – a choice to look the other way, to remain silent, to turn a blind eye.”

Selenskyj warned that this kind of inaction can have dire consequences, allowing evil to spread unchecked and causing immense harm to individuals and societies alike.

The Role of Morality in Society

Throughout his speech, Selenskyj emphasized the importance of morality in society. He argued that without a shared moral code, societies cannot function effectively and thrive.

“The idea that morals are relative is a dangerous myth,” he said. “Our moral compass guides us in making the right choices and taking the right actions.”

Selenskyj urged individuals and nations to prioritize morality in their decisions and actions, noting that doing so is essential for creating a better and more just world.


Selenskyj’s speech on ethics was a powerful reminder of the importance of taking a stand against evil. He emphasized the dangers of remaining morally neutral, warned of the consequences of inaction, and stressed the role of morality in society. By prioritizing these principles, individuals and nations alike can work towards a more just and equitable world.

#Selenskyj #Ethics #MoralCompass #StandAgainstEvil #InactionIsNotNeutrality #Justice #NEWS