Tarantino addresses over 1,500 people in Barcelona: “Bambi has messed up kids for decades”

Tarantino addresses over 1,500 people in Barcelona: "Bambi has messed up kids for decades"
Tarantino addresses over 1,500 people in Barcelona: "Bambi has messed up kids for decades"

Tarantino addresses over 1,500 people in Barcelona: “Bambi has messed up kids for decades”

Tarantino addresses over 1,500 people in Barcelona: “Bambi has messed up kids for decades”

Tarantino’s speech in Barcelona

Film director Quentin Tarantino spoke to a crowd of more than 1,500 people in Barcelona, Spain, where he continued his ongoing condemnation of the Disney classic, “Bambi.” Tarantino believes that the film is partially responsible for “messed up kids for decades,” and that parents should exercise caution when allowing their children to consume such media.

“Bambi” is harmful to children

During his speech, Tarantino emphasized the violent and traumatic elements of “Bambi,” which depict a young deer’s mother being killed by a hunter. Tarantino stated, “It’s not just the death of the mother. It’s the whole lesson that comes with it. Kids are learning about mortality and loss at an age where they can’t fully comprehend it.” Tarantino argues that such messages can be harmful to young minds.

Tarantino’s opinion on Disney

Tarantino has been known to be critical of Disney and its films, and he’s not alone in his opinion. Many have pointed out the darker elements in classic Disney movies, such as the abandonment of Dumbo’s mother and the seemingly omniscient power of Sleeping Beauty’s villain, Maleficent.

Tarantino has also expressed concern about the values being taught to children through Disney’s endless stream of sequels and merchandise. “When you see ‘Cinderella 3’ or ‘Aladdin 6,’ it’s like they’re saying you can’t move beyond the original,” Tarantino said. “It’s telling kids that they need to stay in their place and not think outside of the box.”

The impact of Tarantino’s speech

While some might be quick to dismiss Tarantino’s comments as the rantings of a film director with a bone to pick, others believe that his message is important. The idea that children are learning harmful messages from their entertainment is not a new one, and Tarantino is simply highlighting the issue in his own unique way.

Tarantino’s criticism has sparked a larger conversation about the values being taught to children through media, and the responsibility that creators have to be aware of these messages. Whether you agree with Tarantino’s message or not, it’s clear that he’s started an important discussion.

Summary: Quentin Tarantino spoke to a crowd in Barcelona where he spoke about his ongoing criticism of Disney, specifically the film “Bambi.” Tarantino believes that such films can be harmful to young minds and that parents should exercise caution when allowing their children to consume such media. Tarantino’s criticism has sparked a larger conversation about the values being taught to children through media and the responsibility of creators to be aware of the messages they’re sending. #ENTERTAINMENT