Stay Safe on the Go: Tips for Protecting Your Online Security on Public WiFi

Stay Safe on the Go: Tips for Protecting Your Online Security on Public WiFi
Stay Safe on the Go: Tips for Protecting Your Online Security on Public WiFi

Stay Safe on the Go: Tips for Protecting Your Online Security on Public WiFi

Stay Safe on the Go: Tips for Protecting Your Online Security on Public WiFi

Public WiFi has made it incredibly easy for travelers and people on the go to stay connected to the internet. Although it is convenient, it can also be very dangerous. Public WiFi is often unsecured, and hackers can easily access your personal information. Luckily, there are many ways you can protect your online security while using public WiFi.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Using a VPN is one of the safest ways to use public WiFi. VPNs encrypt your internet traffic, making it unreadable to anyone who might try to intercept it. You can choose from many VPN services available online, but be sure to choose a reputable one.

Avoid Financial Transactions

It’s best to avoid logging into any financial websites while connected to public WiFi. Hackers can easily steal your account information and cause substantial damage. It’s important to wait and conduct financial transactions only when connected to a secure network.

Use Two-Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a security mechanism that requires two methods of identification to access an account. By using two-factor authentication, you’re adding an additional layer of security to your account. If someone tries to log into your account, they will need both your password and your phone or other device to access it.

Disable Automatic WiFi Connecting

Most smartphones have an automatic WiFi connection feature that connects to nearby hotspots. To prevent your device from automatically connecting to public WiFi, turn off the “Automatically connect to WiFi” feature. This way, you can manually connect to a trusted network whenever you want to access the internet.


When searching the web, always use HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) sites instead of HTTP. Secure websites use encryption to ensure that your personal information is kept safe, while non-secure sites can make it easy for hackers to access your information.

Additional Tips

#1 Always keep your device’s software up to date. Updates often have security patches that improve your device’s security.
#2 Be sure to log out of accounts when you’re finished with them.
#3 Turn off file sharing and AirDrop when connected to public WiFi.
#4 Avoid using public WiFi to access sensitive information, including social security numbers or online banking passwords.

In Summary

Using public WiFi can be convenient, but you need to take precautions to protect your online security. Using a VPN, avoiding financial transactions, using two-factor authentication, disabling automatic WiFi connecting, and using HTTPS websites can help you stay safe while connected. Keeping your device’s software up to date, logging out after use, avoiding sensitive information, and turning off file sharing add an additional layer of security. Stay safe on the go![4] #BUSINESS