“Chula Unveils Innovative Gloves to Ease Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease Tremors”

"Chula Unveils Innovative Gloves to Ease Symptoms of Parkinson
"Chula Unveils Innovative Gloves to Ease Symptoms of Parkinson

“Chula Unveils Innovative Gloves to Ease Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease Tremors”

Chula Unveils Innovative Gloves to Ease Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease Tremors

According to the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation, an estimated 10 million people worldwide suffer from Parkinson’s disease. The disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the central nervous system, leading to the degeneration of dopamine-generating cells in the brain. Parkinson’s disease symptoms usually begin with tremors in one hand and gradually spread to affect both sides of the body. Tremors can make it challenging for patients to perform daily activities such as eating and writing. However, a new innovation is changing the game in the management of Parkinson’s tremors – the Chula gloves.

What are Chula gloves?

The Chula gloves are manufactured by the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand. The Department uses artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to interpret hand tremors and create personalized counter-movements. The gloves use soft actuators positioned over the patient’s tendons, which serve as a counterbalance to the tremor caused by Parkinson’s disease. The Chula gloves are the brainchild of Dr. Jackrit Suthakorn, who noticed that patients’ tremors decreased when they grabbed something, leading to his idea of using the gloves.

How do Chula gloves work?

The gloves have an onboard computer equipped with AI capable of monitoring hand tremors’ frequency and amplitude. The AI interprets Parkinson’s tremors to decipher the best hand movement to counteract the tremors, then activates the soft actuators to send the counter-movement to the tendons, providing relief by canceling out the tremors. The gloves are powered by a rechargeable battery, and the wearer can use them repeatedly.

Advantages of using Chula gloves

The Chula gloves help manage Parkinson’s disease symptoms, primarily tremors that can interfere with daily activities such as eating and writing, which can burden patients. The gloves provide personalized treatment as the AI customizes counter-movements that are specific to the patient’s tremors. The gloves are a non-invasive treatment, and patients can use them either independently or with other treatments to manage symptoms. The gloves are convenient, lightweight, and comfortable for users to wear.


The Chula gloves are a significant innovation in the management of Parkinson’s disease symptoms, especially tremors. The gloves, equipped with AI, provide a personalized treatment approach and offer a comfortable and convenient treatment option for patients. Parkinson’s disease is a chronic condition that requires vast resources to manage, and Chula gloves can lessen the burden of disease for sufferers.

#ChulaGloves #ParkinsonsDisease #InnovativeTreatment #ArtificialIntelligence #ParkinsonsGloves

The Chula gloves are an innovative treatment for Parkinson’s disease tremors, developed by Chulalongkorn University. The gloves use AI algorithms to interpret hand tremors and create personalized counter-movements, providing relief from tremors by canceling them out. The gloves are non-invasive, lightweight, and comfortable, and patients can use them either independently or with other treatments. The gloves are convenient, providing a much-needed treatment option for Parkinson’s sufferers worldwide. #BUSINESS