A Masterful Shot at Comparison: Three-time Champ Takes Aim at LIV in ‘Nobody’s Watching’

A Masterful Shot at Comparison: Three-time Champ Takes Aim at LIV in

A Masterful Shot at Comparison: Three-time Champ Takes Aim at LIV in ‘Nobody’s Watching’

A Masterful Shot at Comparison: Three-time Champ Takes Aim at LIV in ‘Nobody’s Watching’


Professional boxer, Claressa Shields, has taken a swing at the comparisons made between men’s and women’s boxing. In her new documentary ‘Nobody’s Watching,’ Shields takes a no-holds-barred approach to highlight the disparities between men and women’s boxing. The documentary also features the lead up to her fight against Marie-Eve Dicaire in March, which has made Shields a three-time champ.

Shields Takes a Stand

In ‘Nobody’s Watching,’ which premiered on Showtime on March 5th, Shields makes her views very clear. She addresses the differences in pay between male and female fighters, the lack of sponsorship, and the limited media attention given to women’s fights. Shields also discusses the double standard that exists when it comes to attributing aggression to male fighters and emotion to female fighters.

The Criticism Shields Faces

Shields faces a lot of criticism for her stance. Many wonder if she is hurting the industry by highlighting the differences between men and women’s boxing. However, Shields argues that by highlighting the disparities, she is only trying to motivate change. She wants the sport to progress, and she wants women to have the same opportunities as men.

Shields Takes a Dig at LIV

One of the most significant statements in the documentary is Shields’ comparison of herself to LIV, a popular nightclub in Miami. Shields says that when LIV has a big night, everyone knows about it. But when she wins a world title, only a few people pay attention. Shields says that her wins are just as significant as anything that happens at LIV, and she wants the recognition that her accomplishments deserve.


It takes a lot of courage to stand up and validate your existence in a world that often undermines your worth. Shields’ documentary highlights the importance of representation in sports media and the significance of endowing women’s athletes with the same opportunities as men. It’s time for a change, and we’re lucky to have people like Shields taking the necessary actions to create a more inclusive industry.

Hashtags: #ClaressaShields #Nobody’sWatching #EqualityInSports #WomensBoxing #FightForChange

Summary: Claressa Shields takes aim at the comparisons between men’s and women’s boxing in her new documentary, ‘Nobody’s Watching.’ She addresses the pay differences, limited media attention, and sponsorship disparities between the two genders. Shields also compares herself to the popular Miami nightclub, LIV, and asks for recognition of her accomplishments. Her documentary highlights the need for further representation of women’s athletes in sports media and the importance of granting them the same opportunities as their male counterparts. #FightForChange #SPORT