A Heartwarming Gesture: Rugby League Star Empowers Teammate by Carrying Him During Marathon

A Heartwarming Gesture: Rugby League Star Empowers Teammate by Carrying Him During Marathon
A Heartwarming Gesture: Rugby League Star Empowers Teammate by Carrying Him During Marathon

A Heartwarming Gesture: Rugby League Star Empowers Teammate by Carrying Him During Marathon

A Heartwarming Gesture: Rugby League Star Empowers Teammate by Carrying Him During Marathon

One of the most beautiful things about sports is the camaraderie that is developed among teammates. Rugby League is no exception, with players often forging deep bonds that extend beyond the field. In a recent marathon, one player took this camaraderie to new levels by carrying his injured teammate to the finish line.

The Story

Chris Lawrence, a professional Rugby League player, was taking part in the Gold Coast Marathon on Sunday, July 4th, 2021. A few kilometers into the race, Lawrence began experiencing sharp pain in his back. He soon realized that he would not be able to finish the race without help. That’s when his teammate, Alex Twal, stepped in. Recognizing that his friend and teammate was in trouble, Twal carried Lawrence on his back over the final 15 kilometers of the race.

“One of my teammates unfortunately got injured and couldn’t really move,” Twal explained. “He was in a lot of pain, so I thought I’d just carry him and try to get to the finish line with him. That’s what we did.”

The story of Twal’s selfless gesture quickly went viral, inspiring people around the world.

The Power of Teamwork

Twal’s kind act is a beautiful example of the power of teamwork and the bonds that can be forged through sports. It is also a reminder that achieving success is not always about individual accomplishments, but rather, about supporting and motivating each other.

The Rugby League community has long been known for its strong bonds and commitment to teamwork. Professional players often speak about the deep relationships they form with their teammates and the importance of supporting each other both on and off the field. Twal’s willingness to carry his injured teammate to the finish line is a testament to the strength of this bond and the values that are at the core of the sport.

The Importance of Empathy and Compassion

Twal’s gesture is also a powerful reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion. In a world where we are often encouraged to focus on our own successes and achievements, it can be easy to forget the value of putting others first. Twal’s act not only helped his teammate finish the race, it also inspired thousands of people around the world to be kinder and more compassionate.

At a time when the world feels increasingly divided and uncertain, Twal’s gesture is a shining example of the power of kindness and the role that sports can play in bringing people together. It reminds us that, even in the midst of a global pandemic and other challenges, we can all do our part to support and uplift each other.

The Future of Rugby League

In the wake of Twal’s inspiring gesture, many Rugby League fans and commentators are reflecting on what this means for the future of the sport. There is a growing consensus that Rugby League, and sports in general, can play a powerful role in promoting empathy and compassion. By celebrating acts of kindness and teamwork, we can inspire more people to live by these values both on and off the field.

Twal’s act has also shone a light on the importance of supporting injured players and providing them with the resources they need to recover. As more and more people become aware of the physical and mental toll that sports can take on athletes, there is a growing movement to ensure that players receive the care and support they need to thrive.


In conclusion, Alex Twal’s act of carrying his injured teammate to the finish line is a beautiful example of the power of teamwork, empathy, and compassion. It reminds us that, even in the midst of adversity, we can all play a role in supporting and uplifting each other. As we look to the future of Rugby League and sports in general, let us celebrate and promote these values, inspiring more people to live by them each and every day.[1] #SPORT